Thursday, January 14, 2010

Condensation on my windows....

A common complaint from customers is, "Why am I getting condensation on my windows?"

In the "old" days, houses used to have drafts and cracks. I remember in our house there was always a draft at the front door. My mom used to put one of those "snakes" at the bottom of the door to stop the draft.

Then with the energy concern, we started building homes that were super air tight. After all we were trying to conserve energy, the adverse effect was that the gases were no longer escaping and houses were beginning to become toxic.

The perfect scenerio would be to build an air tight home with an HRV. The HRV would allow the fresh air in and the toxic air out. This would be the perfect world. We all know we don't live in the perfect world. So here's what we suggest for people having condensation on their windows and are unsure of where to begin.

We suggest each of our customers starts with an Eco-audit. As this will determine if your home is too air tight.

The build up of condensation is actually trapped gases within that cannot escape. Homes are more toxic then we may think. This is due to VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from glues, formaldehydes', benzenes, radon gases, hair sprays, cleaning products etc. Excess moisture can then lead to the growth of moulds in your house.

The HRV (Heat Recovery Ventillator) regulates the air in your home to make sure you are getting so many air exchanges per hour. Just think every hour your indoor toxic air is being replaced by clean fresh air. .

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lifestyle - HGTV Canada

Lifestyle - HGTV Canada: "Preparing Your Home For Winter
By: Peter O'Tool

The winter season approaches and the air grows crisp as the snow falls, it's time to start thinking about preparing the inside of your house for the season. Beyond the usual preparations for temperature change and worrying about a drafty house, it's also important to consider the fact that the winter season means spending a lot more time indoors.
In the winter, the furnace is the heart of your house. Before anything else gets done, make sure you check your filter. If it's old and dusty, you can either clean it or replace it. If your house runs on forced air, you should spend the money to get the ducts vacuumed. Getting rid of the previous year's dust, pet dander and other dangerous build-ups, instead of blowing them around your house for another season, is well worth the investment.
Next, make sure you've got a good carbon monoxide detector. If you've got one already, make sure it works - you don't want to endanger yourself or your family with faulty safety equipment.
You'll also need to take humidity into account. Check the humidifier in your furnace to make sure it's not clogged with scale build-up. If clogged, you can clean it with a de-scaler or replace the filter entirely.
If you live in an apartment with radiators or if your house uses an oil furnace, now would be a good time to think about purchasing a tabletop humidifier. Keep in mind the larger the humidifier you purchase, the harder it is to maintain.
Before you purchase any humidifier, do a bit of research. Make sure replacement parts are easy to get a hold of, and that the humidifier is energy efficient, both for the environment and your hydro bill!"

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Huard Heating and Air Conditioning has locations in Niagara Falls and Welland and has been operating in the Niagara Peninsula for over 10 years. We specialize in sales, service and installation for residential and commercial heating and air conditioning systems, gas boilers, heat pumps, and hot water heaters.

THEIR experience and expertise has allowed their business to continually grow and provide guidance and support to all their customers when it comes to the important matters of home comfort.